1,728 research outputs found

    Control of a mobile robot through brain computer interface

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    This paper poses a control interface to com-mand the movement of a mobile robot according to sig-nals captured from the user’s brain. These signals are acquired and interpreted by Emotiv EPOC device, a 14-electrode type sensor which captures electroenceph-alographic (EEG) signals with high resolution, which, in turn, are sent to a computer for processing. One brain-computer interface (BCI) was developed based on the Emotiv software and SDK in order to command the mobile robot from a distance. Functionality tests are performed with the sensor to discriminate shift inten-tions of a user group, as well as with a fuzzy controller to hold the direction in case of concentration loss. As con-clusion, it was possible to obtain an efficient system for robot movementsEn este artículo se presenta una interfaz de control que permite comandar el movimiento de un robot móvil en función de la captura de señales provenientes del cerebro del usuario. Dichas señales son adquiridas e in-terpretadas por medio del dispositivo Emotiv Epoc, el cual cuenta con 14 sensores tipo electrodo que captan señales electroencefalográficas (EEG) de alta resolución, que des-pués son enviadas a un equipo de cómputo para ser pro-cesadas. Se desarrolla una interfaz cerebro-computador (BCI) basada en el software y SDK del desarrollador del Emotiv mediante la cual se comanda de forma remota el robot móvil. Se realizan pruebas de funcionalidad con el sensor para discriminar una intención de desplazamiento por parte de un grupo de usuarios y un controlador difuso para sostener la dirección en casos de perdida de la con-centración. Como conclusión, se logra obtener un sistema eficiente para la manipulación del robo

    Comparison between handwritten word and speech record in real-time using CNN architectures

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    This paper presents the development of a system of comparison between words spoken and written by means of deep learning techniques. There are used 10 words acquired by means of an audio function and, these same words, are written by hand and acquired by a webcam, in such a way as to verify if the two data match and show whether or not it is the required word. For this, 2 different CNN architectures were used for each function, where for voice recognition, a suitable CNN was used to identify complete words by means of their features obtained with mel frequency cepstral coefficients, while for handwriting, a faster R-CNN was used, so that it both locates and identifies the captured word. To implement the system, an easy-to-use graphical interface was developed, which unites the two neural networks for its operation. With this, tests were performed in real-time, obtaining a general accuracy of 95.24%, allowing showing the good performance of the implemented system, adding the response speed factor, being less than 200 ms in making the comparison

    Evaluación de hiperparámetros en CNN para detección de patrones de imágenes

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    Deep learning techniques have emerged as an effective solution to the problems of current pattern recognition techniques, such as neural networks. Within these new techniques, the convolutional neural networks (CNN) offer an integration to the recognition of patterns in images, given by the traditional set of images processing plus neuronal networks. This article presents the analysis of the different hyper parameters that imply the training of a CNN, which allows to validate the effects on the accuracy of the network. It is used as a base the recognition of electric energy meters, obtaining a network with an accuracy of 96.32 %.Las técnicas de aprendizaje profundo han surgido como una solución eficaz a los problemas de las actuales técnicas de reconocimiento de patrones, como las redes neuronales. Dentro de estas nuevas técnicas, las redes neuronales convolucionales (CNN) ofrecen una integración al reconocimiento de patrones en imágenes, dados por el conjunto tradicional de procesamiento de imagen más redes neuronales. El presente artículo expone el an´alisis de los diferentes hiperparámetros que implican el entrenamiento de una CNN, que permite validar los efectos en la precisión de la red. Se emplea como imágenes de la base de pruebas, el reconocimiento de medidores de energía eléctrica, logrando obtener una red con una exactitud del 96,32 %

    Robotic hex-nut sorting system with deep learning

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    This article exposes the design and implementation of an automation system based on a robotic arm for hex-nut classification, using pattern recognition and image processing.  The robotic arm work based on three servo motors and an electromagnetic end effector. The pattern recognition implemented allows classifying three different types of hex-nut through deep learning algorithms based on convolutional neural network architectures. The proposed methodology exposes four phases: the first is the design, implementation, and control of a robotic arm. The second is the capture, classification, and image treatment; the third allows gripping the nut through the robot’s inverse kinematic. The final phase is the re-localization of the hex-nut in the respective container. The automation system successfully classifies all the types of hex-nuts, where the convolutional network used is an efficient and recent pattern recognition method, with an accuracy of 100% in 150 iterations. This development allows for obtaining a novel algorithm for robotic applications in hex-nut sorting

    Driver distraction detection using machine vision techniques

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    Resumen En este artículo se presenta un sistema para la detección de estados de distracción en conductores de vehículos en horas diurnas mediante técnicas de visión de máquina, el cual se basa en la segmentación de la imagen respecto a los ojos y la boca de una persona, vista de frente por una cámara. De dicha segmentación se establece los estados de movimiento que de la boca y de la cabeza, permiten inferir un estado de distracción. Las imágenes se extraen de videos de corta duración y con una resolución de 640x480 píxeles, sobre las cuales se emplean técnicas de procesamiento de imagen como transformación de espacios de color y análisis de histograma. La decisión del estado es el resultado de una combinación de las características extraídas ingresadas a una red neuronal del tipo perceptrón multicapa. El desempeño logrado en la detección en un ambiente controlado de pruebas es del 90% y del 86% en ambiente real, con un tiempo de respuesta promedio de 30 ms. Abstract This article presents a system for detecting states of distraction in drivers during daylight hours using machine vision techniques, which is based on the image segmentation of the eyes and mouth of a person, with a front-face-view camera. From said segmentation states of motion of the mouth and head are established, thus allowing to infer the corresponding state of distraction. Images are extracted from short videos with a resolution of 640x480 pixels and image processing techniques such as color space transformation and histogram analysis are applied. A decision concerning the state of the driver is the result from a multilayer perceptron-type neural network with all extracted features as inputs. Achieved performance is 90% for a controlled environment screening test and 86% in real environment, with an average response time of 30 ms

    Offline signature verification using DAG-CNN

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    This paper presents the implementation of a DAG-CNN which aims to classify and verify the authenticity of the offline signatures of 3 users, using the writer-independent method. In order to develop this work, 2 databases (training / validation and testing) were built manually, i.e. the manual collection of the signatures of the 3 users as well as forged signatures made by people not belonging to the base and altered by the same users were done, and signatures of another 115 people were used to create the category of non-members. Once the network is trained, its validation and subsequent testing is performed, obtaining overall accuracies of 99.4% and 99.3%, respectively, showing the features learned by the network and verifying the ability of this configuration of neural network to be used in applications for identification and verification of offline signatures

    ResSeg: Residual encoder-decoder convolutional neural network for food segmentation

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    This paper presents the implementation and evaluation of different convolutional neural network architectures focused on food segmentation. To perform this task, it is proposed the recognition of 6 categories, among which are the main food groups (protein, grains, fruit, vegetables) and two additional groups, rice and drink or juice. In addition, to make the recognition more complex, it is decided to test the networks with food dishes already started, i.e. during different moments, from its serving to its finishing, in order to verify the capability to see when there is no more food on the plate. Finally, a comparison is made between the two best resulting networks, a SegNet with architecture VGG-16 and a network proposed in this work, called Residual Segmentation Convolutional Neural Network or ResSeg, with which accuracies greater than 90% and interception-over-union greater than 75% were obtained. This demonstrates the ability, not only of SegNet architectures for food segmentation, but the use of residual layers to improve the contour of the segmentation and segmentation of complex distribution or initiated of food dishes, opening the field of application of this type of networks to be implemented in feeding assistants or in automated restaurants, including also for dietary control for the amount of food consumed

    Assistant robot through deep learning

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    This article presents a work oriented to assistive robotics, where a scenario is established for a robot to reach a tool in the hand of a user, when they have verbally requested it by his name. For this, three convolutional neural networks are trained, one for recognition of a group of tools, which obtained an accuracy of 98% identifying the tools established for the application, that are scalpel, screwdriver and scissors; one for speech recognition, trained with the names of the tools in Spanish language, where its validation accuracy reach a 97.5% in the recognition of the words; and another for recognition of the user's hand, taking in consideration the classification of 2 gestures: Open and Closed hand, where a 96.25% accuracy was achieved. With those networks, tests in real time are performed, presenting results in the delivery of each tool with a 100% of accuracy, i.e. the robot was able to identify correctly what the user requested, recognize correctly each tool and deliver the one need when the user opened their hand, taking an average time of 45 seconds in the execution of the application

    Red neuronal convolucional para discriminar herramientas en robótica asistencial

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    In the present article, the training of a Convolutional Neuronal Network (CNN) for discrimination of tools commonly used in mechanical, electrical, carpentry and similar tasks, is exposed. For this purpose, training objectives include nippers, screwdrivers, scissors and pliers, in order to be classified by the network, allowing a robotic arm to identify a desired tool for its possible delivery to a user. The CNN architecture used for the network presents a 96% success rate in the identification of toolsEn el presente artículo se expone el entrenamiento de una Red Neuronal Convolucional (RNC) para discriminación de herramientas de uso común en tareas de mecánica, electricidad, carpintería y similares. Para el caso, se toman como objetivos de entrenamiento pinzas, destornilladores, tijeras y alicates, los cuales puedan ser identificados por la red, y permite dotarle a un brazo robótico la facultad de identificar una herramienta deseada - de entre las anteriores - para su posible entrega a un usuario. La arquitectura neuro convolucional empleada para la red presenta un porcentaje de acierto del 96% en la identificación de las herramientas entrenadas